My graduate coursework at CMU mainly focuses on robotics, machine learning, and math and optimization.
- 16-350: Planning Techniques for Robotics
- 16-720: Computer Vision
- 16-833: Robot Localization and Mapping
- 16-891: Multi-Robot Planning and Coordination
- 24-677: Linear Control System
- 24-760: Robot Dynamics and Analysis
Machine Learning
- 10-701: Introduction to Machine Learning (PhD)
- 10-703: Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control
- 10-707: Advanced Deep Learning
- 11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning
- 24-787: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Engineers
Math & Optimization
- 10-725: Convex Optimization
- 21-690: Methods of Optimization
- 24-685: Engineering Optimization
- 24-703: Numerical Methods in Engineering
- 24-704: Probability and Estimation Methods for Engineering Systems
- 36-700: Probability and Mathematical Statistics