Robotics Software

I am always dedicated to open-sourcing my robotics software to benefit the community and enhance reproducibility.
You can find all my open-source packages on my GitHub page.


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The CERLAB UAV Autonomy Framework is a versatile and modular framework for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This framework comprises distinct components (simulator, perception, mapping, planning, and control) to achieve autonomous navigation, unknown exploration, and target inspection.

CERLAB-UAV-Autonomy - gif


[GitHub] [Video] GitHub Stars

This repository provides the implementation of the NavRL framework, designed to enable robots to safely navigate dynamic environments using Reinforcement Learning.

NavRL-1 - gifNavRL-2 - gif


[GitHub] [Video] GitHub Stars

The isaac-go2-ros2 repository provides a Unitree Go2 quadruped robot simulation, leveraging the Isaac Sim/Isaac Lab framework and integrating seamlessly with a ROS 2 interface. It offers a flexible platform for testing navigation, decision-making, and other autonomous tasks in various scenarios.

isaac-go2-ros2-1 - gifisaac-go2-ros2-2 - gif


[GitHub] [Video] GitHub Stars

This repository implements the LiDAR-visual Dynamic Obstacle Detection and Tracking (LV-DOT) algorithm which aims at detecting and tracking dynamic obstacles for robots with extremely constraint computational resources.

LV-DOT-1 - gifLV-DOT-2 - gif
LV-DOT-3 - gifLV-DOT-4 - gif